Do This To Get Rid of Bad Feng Shui in 2024!

Enhance Your Growth, Prosperity, Health and Well-Being in 2024 Using our "Yearly Feng Shui" Coaching Program - Even If You've Never Done Feng Shui Before.

In case you don't know what 2024 Feng Shui and Period 9 is all about
Watch this Video to Find Out What All The Fuss is About:

In This Program You Get:
Live FENG SHUI COACHING and ON DEMAND FENG SHUI TRAININGS from a Top Rated Feng Shui Master For a Fraction of the Cost of a Feng Shui Consultation.

YES.. I'm in... Take Me to 2024 Feng Shui - Fix, Enhance, Activate!!


What is 2024 Feng Shui and Period 9 Energy?

Feng Shui time moves in cycles. The hours, the day, the month and years are all based on dynamic energies that come and go from your house (and your life) every day..

The most powerful of all these energies.. are the "Yearly Energies" that enter our home in a different way each year. Incredibly, if all you ever did was take care of the "Yearly Energies.." your life would be a whole lot easier.. because you would enhance the good energy and get rid of the "bad energy.." (something you're very unlikely to be doing right now...) The 20 year cycles are a little more interesting. These energies represent the kind of evolutionary change that moves mankind through a NEW journey of internal personal change and progression. This means: it's a good thing to re-calibrate and align yourself with the positive energies of Period 9...

20 years is a long time not to be aligned with Period 9 (after all).

The Yearly Energies commence on 4th Feb 2024 and so do the Period 9 energies.

Discovering how to make your Home & Office Feng Shui "Period 9 Compliant" is important if you want to live a better life through the 2024 - 2043 years (Yep 20 years).

This program is a 4 day deep dive into both - as well as the bonuses mentioned below. All together, the value of our Main Program + Bonuses comes to a value of $4,782.00. But today you can get this program and value packed training for a mere USD$197.

We look forward to seeing you there..

Gayle Atherton, Feng Shui Master

YES.. I'm in... Take Me to 2024 Feng Shui - Fix, Enhance, Activate!!


How Does This Program Work?

This is a "Done With You" Program.. It starts with you bringing your Floor Plan to our 2024 Feng Shui Mastery - Fix, Enhance, Activate Program and we'll help you get ready for your Feng Shui Consultation AND if you don't have a floor plan we'll help you to draw one up the easy way..

From here we start our program on zoom - all together - and we go from Beginners level to Advanced applications, so that we can not only put the right thing in the right spot.. but address Advanced things about our home (that we really need to know)..

Next up is our 2024 Remedy's Workshop and sorting out which kinds of things we need to use to fix, enhance or activate the energies we want to change. This helps you to change the energy in your home for the whole year!!

Then we've got BONUSES: Special Feng Shui Activations, Special QiMen Dun Jia Wishing Sequences, some Chinese Astrology, a bit of Feng Shui Astrology (that we can use in our daily life).. Our 2024 Auspicious Lucky Dates Calendar (so that we can plan our Special Events). And Last but not Least our Special Focus on Period 9 "Secret Locations" in our homes.. This Bonus can help you to "tap Period 9 Energies.."

Attend as many days as you can and watch the replays if you can't attend live. Then join us in our special Facebook Group for 6 weeks so that we can help you to get the right thing in the right spot - in your home.

NOTE: Examining your Floor Plan for the Yearly Energies + Chinese Astrology Chart in this type of setting is quite exciting and a lot of FUN to discover how the energies of Period 9 can affect us.  Get good rest the night before, and expect to learn a lot about your home and most of all Come Prepared to get SO MUCH more...

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Friday, Jan 26th - 2024 Feng Shui Mastery - Fix Enhance Activate
When: Jan 26,  2024. 9.30am - 3.30pm  Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Time

USA: Jan 25, 2024 at 2.30pm - 8.30pm PACIFIC Time

Sat, Jan 27th      2024 Feng Shui-Advanced Blueprint Application

When: Jan 27, 2024 8.30am - 3pm Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Time

USA: Jan 26, 2024 at 1.30pm - 8pm PACIFIC Time

Sun, Jan 28th    2024 Qi Men Dun Jia Wishing + Special Activations

When: Jan 28, 2024 12.30pm - 5pm Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Time

USA: Jan 27 2024 at 6pm - 10pm PACIFIC Time

Fri, Feb 2    2024 Chinese Astrology Labs

When: Feb 2, 2024 9.30am - 1.30pm Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Time

USA: Feb 1 2024 at 2.30pm - 6.30pm PACIFIC Time

BONUSES: When You Join Today
(You Will Also Get Access to..)

2024 Chinese Astrology Labs (FREE)
Find out what the 2024 Year is going to mean to Your Personal Chinese Astrology and Match it with what Your Astrology Has the Power To Do in the Coming 2024 Year. Discover the Super Powers you potentially hold this year.. VALUE: USD$197

The 4 Nobleman Activations (FREE)
Each Year there are Special Benevolent Energies We can Bring into our Homes that help us to set up protection for the entire year.. This is a valuable "Time Sensitive" activation to do in your Home. VALUE: USD$197

Qi Men Dun Jia Wishing (FREE)
Helps us to re-focus our energies for the Year. Its a special timing that's designed to help you tell the universe what you want and how you want it to happen.. Open your Spiritual Intuition to achieve goals. VALUE: USD$497

Locating Period 9 Secret Locations (FREE)
This Bonus is about Aligning Yourself with the positive Period 9 Feng Shui Energies in your home and your life.. Doing this opens us up to opportunities as we go forward.. VALUE: $597

2024 Auspicious Dates Calendar (FREE)
Plan important events and activities on favorable dates for increased success. Avoid obstacles and challenges by choosing the right timing. VALUE: USD$297

And Much, Much,
Much, Much, More...

Here's What Our Participants Say

From Bronwyn..
Hi Gayle,
I found a book years ago about Feng Shui and used its teachings to place things in a house we built. Everything was great for a while, and then I did a big spring clean and moved things around, and everything changed and not for the good. I didn't think to write down or draw where everything was placed, and never got the same energy back.
Then I came across your Feng Shui courses. I'm not sure how I originally came across it, but I haven't looked back since.
You have taught me a lot about placement and energy. Every year, I look forward to reorganizing (placing enhancements and cures) my house and feeling the differences in the sectors of my home.
Kind regards,

From Lorraine
Do you want me to tell you how I got involved in Feng Shui? Many years ago, I remember seeing so many books in shops, and I bought lots of books, and I read them.. And they were very confusing, because they just had the trigram there. And then it would be well, in the top left corner, whatever is your wealth area etc, and I thought, THIS IS for every house in the world? It doesn't seem right!

So, I just sort of went home and I looked through all these books, and thought Nah, it's all pretty much the same. And then I found Gayle, and then everything dropped into place, everything made sense. Because there had to be more than just, this is the one single energy for every house in the whole world. And when Gayle started talking about yearly stars and changing energies, I thought nice - bingo! This is what I'm after. And that's when I got really interested and started in 2008 with Gayle..

Debianne - Architect and Artist
What prompted me was a very challenging year.  There was Covid, losing a parent and I needed to reach into my toolbox to deal with that.. I kept saying, there's a whole lot of really weird energies flying around at the moment and.. from my experience Feng Shui was something I could reach for because I already knew Gayle, we had built buildings together and I just wanted to live around energies that were working and understand what could change them..  Or to know how long they would last or where I needed to be careful . So yeah, I was searching for Gayle’s skills. I love the Coaching Format of this program - because we can learn so much...

Your Host: Feng Shui Master Gayle Atherton

In the elite world of Feng Shui, few westerners ever achieve the respect and title of Feng Shui Master from the Chinese. 

Having spent many years extensively studying in Hong Kong under Master Raymond Lo and other teachers, Gayle Shakti Atherton holds this honor. 

She is one of the few to have ever had access to the more sophisticated and secret applications only taught to privileged Asian students.  


What Others Have Said..

To say that life flowed better would be an understatement. Sure, the house energy was enhanced but Gayle Atherton's Feng Shui services transformed my life in all areas; love, business, creativity, prosperity, wellbeing and family...

Jean Norman

Within a week of putting up Gayle's remedies we sold our house in a depressed market and got more than we expected What more can I say!!!

Ms P.S.

Bondi NSW 

Discovered a lot about myself and I will work on everything I have learnt. Re-evaluated my life and got hope for facing my life burdens. Gayle is very good.

Ms J. C. 


Enlightening and personally enriching.  The arrangement of these lessons was fantastic and I loved the flow of learning/ knowledge I experienced. Fantastic depth of knowledge. Great teacher many blessings.

Ms L. S.

From the very first day, even before we had a chance to notify our old customers we had new customers coming in off the street and we were booked out. Unbelievable!


Cremorne NSW 

I am really grateful for your input and knowledge. I got a lot out of what you said and I cant thank you enough. You made my son feel really comfortable with the change.

Mr M F


Gayle, I would like to thank you for the work you put in on the remedies for our house. Not only did it help our personal energies but I believe it played a large part in the great result we got at auction.. Sold in the first week - for more $$ than we expected.

Steven and Melissa Thomas

Palm Beach NSW

From the moment the walls went up there was this incredible energy in the building. It didn't have carpet or the walls painted but the energy in the building was incredible.. thank you.

Ms V VN.

Cremorne NSW 

When we were relocating business we called Gayle in for good luck. After a year and a half our finances are three times more than what they were before and the factory has a really good feel.

S.W and M.W

Mirage Graphics - Australia 

Gayle brings an unwavering level of integrity to her role as Feng Shui Master. Her commanding knowledge of the subject enables her to accurately diagnose and recommend remedies that produce dramatic results. In my first consultation with Gayle, she provided me with solutions that created immediate increase in business income and opportunity.

Jan Jones San Diego USA

President Spirit of Success Events

When I first called in Gayle my business was in a very bad way. I was about to lose everything.

From the time I met her and installed the Remedies she told me to, my bad luck changed completely!

I don't know if its the Feng Shui or not but I have decided a little bit of Feng Shui cant hurt can it..

Mr N.S.

Property Developer Sydney

When I first met Gayle my company was turning over two million US a month. She designed our new offices from the ground up. When I asked her to predict how much our revenue would increase she said I would quadruple it easily in less than twelve months. At the time I thought that was impossible... Within six weeks we were doing those figures and we haven't looked back.

Steve Dunn CEO

Munchkin Inc. USA 


Our Promise To You..

This unique bundle and combination includes some of the most ESSENTIAL resources you will need to successfully create good Feng Shui in your home or property throughout 2024. Because this is a ridiculous steal of a deal, there are no refunds on this bundle. What we would like to do, is to work with you to help you create great Feng Shui in your home in 2024. If you don’t know Gayle well enough, or you don't understand the quality of this training, or know just how far she will go to provide value, then this deal is not for you. This deal gives access to several trainings that can make a significant impact on your Life and Feng Shui
(And all for a CRAZY 95% off)!


Feng Shui done correctly frequently brings great results. But as we all know, past performances do not guarantee future results - in life we have to work at everything. We don’t consider Feng Shui to be a “get rich quick program” – even though a very high percentage of people who do follow our advice - do change their fortunes using Feng Shui. As stipulated by law, we are unable to make any guarantees about YOUR ability to get results or earn any money with our information, tools, formulas or strategies. The testimonials we share throughout our programs are TRUE testimonials but they are not intended to be representative of typical results, nor are they a guarantee or promise of any results. Rather, being successful in anything requires the right attention, intention, action, good decisions and commitment on your part. If you don’t believe me, try flying an airplane without putting in any training, and see how far that goes! For this reason, we recommend you proceed with this consultation, masterclass, bundle or course training knowing that as much as success is highly likely in many areas of what we will be sharing.. even the most advanced Feng Shui applications cannot guarantee that you would become successful if you do nothing, do not listen to our advice, do your own thing instead of what we suggest or do not implement anything in the way that we are sharing. In these cases we are unable to do anything..